Date: 7-12 July 2024
Venue: Marathon, Greece

The Geo-Academy Summer School is designed to be highly engaging, creative, and interactive.
Participating teachers will work as individuals and in small groups, so they will be able to collaborate with teachers from other countries, discuss ideas, and exchange experiences to create lesson plans and group activities which will encompass all the features of successful inter-disciplinary science and activities.
The 6-day course, consisting of a total of 25 hours of workshop-based training, will focus on exchanging knowledge/experiences and enriching the participants’ understanding of site-specific problems linked to geospatial phenomena, relevant methodologies, and technologies, as well as promoting partnerships between teachers, students, innovators, researchers, and stakeholders in science-related fields, to work on real-life challenges and innovations, among other things.
All information about the school and registration: GEO-Academy Summer School 2024 | ESIA (